Websites have become an inseparable part of our professional lives. In fact, for all commercial aspects, like shops, firms, business establishments, having an attractive website, is the key to success and future expansion. Nowadays, business owners have even kept a separate budget for website installation and maintenance. If you look at any newspaper or scroll ads, then you find many ads claiming to be the best development company. But, then how do you decide which is the ultimate firm, to whom you can outsource your website development needs and get the best results. These tips will certainly make your task easier.
1) Be very clear with your requirement.
This is the first criteria since you must be very clear with your requirement. To explain with an example, if you are into eCommerce business, then your website will have a different design, then if you have an educational business. So, go for web development firms, which are specialized, instead of taking a general firm. Interact with the development team of the firm and then you can check their relevant skills and experience. Keep your short period and long period goals clear.
2)The firm must have a detailed and comprehensive portfolio.
The web development co which you contact must have a detailed and comprehensive portfolio. Check their work including samples, past projects and see if it suits your requirement carefully. Does the company make complex designs? If yes, then in how many days and man-hours. Also, the portfolio must be continuously upgraded with innovative designs and the latest technologies.This is one of the best strategy for acquiring the best website developer.
3) The firm must have a very informative and experienced customer service.
This is a very significant criteria since the customer care service of the development company web should be highly trained and experienced. Customer care service should be extremely responsive. They should be available 24 hrs, 7 days a week. Talk to them and check their knowledge. Ask as many questions as possible and see the results. You should be able to connect to them by mail, Skype, phone etc.
4) Check the structure of the firm very carefully.
This point is also very crucial, in making the right choice. If you have a small business, then you should target a small development company, since your budget may not be sufficient for hiring the services of a big firm. Also, small website developing companies may dedicate all of their resources to your project, since you are a prized customer and they expect you to give referrals. But, you got to realize that you may not get the same quality of work, as is from a big company. The big company always have a set of quality standards, while delivering their tasks. You as a customer must always check the hierarchy of the firm to whom you are assigning the work to. For example, do they have a Project Manager, followed by the technical lead, developers, testers etc? The reason, why it is so significant, is that you should be fully aware of the contact points in the company, regarding daily tasks and updates. For example, who will send you the daily status, updates, rework etc. Since the financial aspect of the project is the main aspect, you must be very clear on that. To cite an example, in some firms, the PM also handles the financial aspect of the project, while in some companies, the finance team is assigned the responsibility.
5) The company must give the best quality product within optimum prices.
Small business, often faces this issue, due to budgetary constraints. They are always on the lookout for the cheapest development company and in the process, ignore quality. Though cheaper initially, the costs due to rework quickly add up and it becomes much more expensive in the long run. So, be patient and check for the best web development firms offering the best deal within the most optimum prices. Always believe in the dictum ” Quality for the price “. You will get a good vendor, sooner or later.
6) The agency must have a consistent past track record.
Always look for web development agency, which have spent a significant amount of time in this business, say 5 to 10 years. Check their previous track record and then decide. Talk to their older customers personally and check their experiences. This will prevent you from putting your money on the wrong horse. Another important fact is that please check with the firm, whether they have a money-back guarantee policy, in case of faulty products and complaints. Look for firms which have a diverse set of clients and experience working with different customers.
7) The business contract must be completely transparent.
Good web developers companies always present you with a transparent business contract, without any hidden conditionality, terms and conditions. You must always ask for an NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement ), with the project document. Read the project document carefully, before signing. Avoid over commitments and unrealistic promises. All the terms like legal, financial, professional must be explained clearly. The company in question must protect your data.
8) Visit their premises personally and see things for yourself.
Don’t rely on glossy pictures of office buildings. In many cases, many honest customers have been duped and given substandard products, after seeing false advertisements. Visit the office buildings personally of the web developer agency and see the things for yourself. Check the infrastructure carefully including desktops, internet connection, power etc. One more thing is that the office must have a decent location. Avoid companies, which are located in remote addresses. It should always be accessible. It is better to choose firms which have multiple branches. The reason is that, they can provide services to more no of customers. One more thing, is that check their website and it should contain the addresses of all their branches, and also the contact details including email id’s, phone nos.